Scratch Radar Eye Part IV.

In order to get the cylinder inside the circle, it needs to be JB Welded on the inside and outside edges of the Radar Eye. I applied tape to the outside of the circle to provide the JB Weld  a good backing for filling in the holes and grooves between the cylinder and circle. Once that is all filled in, it dries for 24 hours. Once dry the tape is peeled off and the JB Weld is sanded down to make the eye appear seamless.

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Once the main body of the Radar Eye is sanded, it needs to be fitted to the dome and make sure it looks as flush as possible.

Watch Part V to see the Side Detail of the Radar Eye.

Scratch Radar Eye Part III.

After the Radar Eye is cut, it needs to be bent into shape and the seams need to be bonded together with JB Weld,  The center of the eye piece must be rolled and shaped into a circle.  This is also where I cut out the side portion of the Radar Eye.

The materials I used are JB Weld, a PVC coupling to shape the inside cylinder, toothpicks, and blue tape.

Materials for Radar Eye
Materials used for bonding seams in Radar Eye

Once the Radar Eye is bent into shape, it must be held together with tape and clamps so it does not come apart. The tape was used on the corner seams and for the bottom piece to hold them in place. The JB Weld was mixed per its directions and placed on all the seams. I allowed it to dry for at least 24 hours for maximum strength. This is only the initial bond since you may have to break some of the bonds apart to get a better hold in certain areas.

Next, the center piece is rolled around a PVC coupling to get the round shape.  The eye circle is supposed to be 3″ in diameter, so I used a smaller circle since most metal likes its original shape.  I rolled the metal around the PVC on the small section and it unrolled almost perfectly for the shape I needed.  I put some tape on the shaft of the C-clamp so the JB Weld won’t stick by accident.

I then cut the final shape of the side panel.

Scratch Radar Eye Part II.

For part two on scratch building a Radar Eye,  you will need to find a way to cut out the circle for the Radar Eye.  The first method I tried did not work, so I had to go to plan B.  This involved cutting small circles around an etched circular line on the sheet metal.  I drilled all the holes  around the sheet metal and for the slot.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Once this is complete, I used a Dremel to cut the gaps out so I was left with an empty circle, and I did the same thing for the slot.  I was careful not to go to fast or I could  cut parts I wanted to leave.  A smaller sanding disc is recommended if one is available.

The following steps will smooth out the edges along the inside of the circle and the slot.  Use a sanding wheel and go around the edges to make it look pretty.  You may have to draw another circle around the eye to make sure you still keep the form.

Watch Part III for learning how to bond the seams together.