CuriousMarc Holo Lights v2.0

Holo Lights

Ordering the PCBs ahead of time from OSH Park, the only thing I needed for these were the electronics components and the reflector cone.  These were a little tricky to assemble but not to bad.  I installed the .22uF capacitor in the tutorial to show you how it’s done, but I later took it out and added a 10k resistor piggy backing the 100k resistor for a fading effect using an Arduino sketch.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

To start with, instructions for assembly can be found here.  Once assembled, they just need to be tested out and put into your holoprojectors.

Just hook them up to a small 2v batter to test them out.

Researching the lights

Researching the lights can be confusing at times especially when learning the names and what they do. Once you have that figured out, you need to research how to build them and that is when things get a bit scary, especially if you are electronically illiterate. Don’t let it scare you! Once you get pointed in the right direction, it gets easier. A good place to start is the Droid Wiki parts terminology page.