Mouthwash Cap is a Holoprojector Cone!

Complete Cone

Most people use a mouthwash cap for the Holoprojector cone and so did I.  With a little cutting, filling, and gluing,  I was accurately able to reproduce a cone that looks just like the one on R2-D2.  It took a bit of work and patience, but I am very happy with the end result.

To start off with,  I took a cap from a mouthwash bottle  that was big enough to be the same size I needed for the cone.   I made some markings on the cap so I could get an accurate cut, and used a hacksaw or dremel, just to try different methods, and cut the cap.  After the cap is cut, the inside  ridges are cut or sanded off.

The strips on the inside have to be added.  Using a .030 x .100 styrene strip, we apply a bead of glue 5/16″ from the bottom up, on the inside of the cone and secure the strip.  Apply the .010 x .030 strip to the top about 1/32 from the top.

Fill this space in between the two strips with bondo or putty, until it is smooth all the way around.

Now it’s time for several layers of putty and wet sanding until this cone has a smooth surface on the outside.  Apply the putty and let it dry for an hour.  Wet sand that, and let it dry thoroughly.  Than apply another coat if necessary and sand.

Once that is all smoothed out, we add .010 x .030 strips of styrene all the way around until there are 36 of them on the cone. This can be done without doing to much measuring by working in quarter quadrants at a time.  Put four strips on in a north/south-east/west position.  than do that again in the middle of each of those strips. Repeat this process everytime, going in the middle until there are 36.

This completes the cone scratch build of the cone!

Complete Cone
Complete cone

CuriousMarc Holo Lights v2.0

Holo Lights

Ordering the PCBs ahead of time from OSH Park, the only thing I needed for these were the electronics components and the reflector cone.  These were a little tricky to assemble but not to bad.  I installed the .22uF capacitor in the tutorial to show you how it’s done, but I later took it out and added a 10k resistor piggy backing the 100k resistor for a fading effect using an Arduino sketch.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

To start with, instructions for assembly can be found here.  Once assembled, they just need to be tested out and put into your holoprojectors.

Just hook them up to a small 2v batter to test them out.

Making a Radar Eye Lens

The Radar Eye lens is very simple to make. You will need a 4″ half sphere and black spray paint. It doesn’t get much simpler than this. Place the sphere and mark it where it meets with the inside you your Radar Eye. Cut that line and paint the inside of it black. Test the fit and see how it fits inside the Radar Eye while on the dome. You can secure it by using hot glue or JB Weld.